Well, it may not be quite that bad, however, Microsoft announced that as of April 8, 2014, they are pulling the plug on their Microsoft XP operating system. What does that mean exactly? It means that after that day, there will be no new security updates, non-security hotfixes, free or paid assisted support options, or online technical content updates. For users unwilling to face the change it could be a long, slow death.
There’s no shame in admitting that your business is still using Microsoft XP. XP has outlasted many other versions, but its life sustainability has reached the max. What does this mean for the XP user? Will workstations using XP simply explode on April 8? No, your PCs will still be running, and PC Tech will still be here to support your IT needs. However, it is time to begin thinking about how your business will respond:
The Ostrich Response:
“I hate change. If my PC will still run on XP, I’ll just wait until I have nothing to do and then make a decision.”
Come on, we all know that there will never be a time when you have nothing to do and there will never be a Zen moment in which a new operating system magically appears on your PC. By not taking a proactive approach, you may open your business up to security risks and firewall breaches, as well as hardware and software compatibility issues when using other vendor software. Doing nothing will hurt your business in the long run.
The Chicken Little Response:
“The sky is falling! My business is doomed unless I make a decision immediately – even if I don’t have a clue what I’m doing. Any action is better than no action!”
Quick decisions without analyzing your IT needs both now and in the future can be costly if the decision leaves you with an operating system that does not support your business needs. Panic decisions can create unnecessary upheaval in your business.
The PC Tech Response:
“Relax and take a deep breath! There are multiple options out there for new operating systems. PC Tech can help you find the one just right for your business and also guide you through the process of migrating to a new product.”
There can be substantial benefits with using a newer operating system. PC security and management have been greatly improved and most of the new systems give a user the advantage of more powerful virtualization and cloud-based capabilities. PC Tech can help you make wise IT decisions which will move your business in a positive direction.
So once you’ve taken your head out of the sand, call PC Tech at 636-464-2400. We will walk you through your options and make sure your transition to a new computer and operating system happens as seamlessly as possible. Our expertise and service offerings allow us to provide you with purchase options that will not be available through retail stores.
Still thinking of how to respond? Stay tuned for next month’s newsletter. We’ll be discussing some of the options for your transition and why we still are not recommending Windows 8.