Should You Perform a System Restore?

A system restore of the Windows XP or later Operating System returns your computer system files and settings to where they were at an earlier point in time. Different than a factory system restore, the system restore does not affect your personal files on the computer. This can be useful if you are having a computer problem and would like to reset your computer back to a particular point in time.

For example, say you install a program that causes your computer to malfunction. You have tried to restart and other fixes with no luck. Simply use the system restore function to get your computer back to previous settings prior to the program being installed.

There are some things to keep in mind with the system restore functionality. Here are a few:

System restore does not delete your personal files (Word documents, photos, emails, etc), however it is still a good idea to back up all files prior to a system restore
Any programs installed after the restore time will need to be reinstalled
If System Restore settings are turned on, restore points are created automatically each day (they can also be created manually)
Restore points are saved until the system restore hard disk space is filled. Then, as new restore points are created, old ones are deleted
System restore can be found by going to Start Menu > All Programs > Accessories > System Tools, then choose System Restore

Finally, it is important to know the difference between a Non-Destructive and Destructive System Restore. The Non-Destructive version, or standard recovery, restores factory-shipped programs, drivers and the operating system without affecting any data files.

A Destructive system restore, or full system recovery, will completely erase and reformat the hard disk and reinstall the operating system, programs and drivers, pictures and documents from the recovery CD. You must personally reinstall any software that was not installed on the computer at the factory.

Do you think you need to perform a system restore? Consult with an expert before performing a system restore to avoid the risk of data loss. Contact us here or call 636-464-2400. Remember we can also assist you with your computer backups and virus protection.
Dangers of Using Unsecured Wireless Networks

It is convenient that we can easily connect to wireless networks anywhere we go and get easy access to the Internet. Have you considered the risks involved with connecting your device to an unsecured wireless network? Here are a few things to consider before connecting your computer or device to a password free network.

Unsecure means unsecure, anyone can connect at anytime including those looking to perform criminal activity
Usernames and passwords can be sent in clear text over the network. It is best not to access any Internet based accounts you have that require a username and password
Open networks can be the perfect launching point for SPAM and viruses. Hackers know that unsecured networks are difficult to track and, if SPAM is launched from your email account, it can in fact be tracked back to you
Connecting to your corporate network through a VPN on an unsecured network will open up access to the entire corporate network
Your personal computer and all of your personal information stored on that computer are at risk of being compromised each time you log on to an unsecured network


  • Should You Perform a System Restore
  • Dangers of Using Unsecured Wireless Networks