The Cost of Computer Downtime: Can You Really..

The Cost of Computer Downtime: Can You Really Afford It?

Recently a local big-box office supply store experienced what I would consider a “catastrophic” IT event: their server was down for an entire weekend. Customers wanting to purchase office supplies during that time were treated to an “old-time” experience where purchases were itemized on a hand-written receipt; taxes were figured on an antique calculator; credit card payments were processed with a carbon receipt slip imprinted with the credit card information; and cash payments were put in a cash box. Every transaction was carefully placed in an ever-expanding pile on the counter so that when the server was restored, all the transactions could be recorded “for real” and the paper trail shredded. Gadzooks! What a nightmare!

Whether you supply a product or provide services for your customers, computer downtime can be a killer. Not only are your employees losing productivity, but you are also losing out on getting essential information to your clients and vendors in a timely manner. Connectivity matters in every facet of your business these days.

Consider the accounting firm charging $125 an hour for accounting services. With 15 employees, computer downtime could cost this business $1,875 per hour and nearly $15,000 per day. And those figures don’t include what it takes to recover from computer downtime. Playing catch-up has its own costs.

Much of these costs can be avoided by using a pro-active approach to computer failure. Stop it before it starts! PCTech offers a managed services package to deliver worry-free business computing to you and your company. Using remote monitoring of your server and PCs, we can monitor your server and PC’s 24/7, keeping a vigilant eye out for regular maintenance needs and spotting potential problems, avoiding many viruses, technical failures and killer downtime.

With PCTech, you can expect to experience a dramatic reduction of unscheduled downtime and lower IT costs because problems will be detected and resolved faster—often before you’re even aware of them. Managed services also helps you reduce and optimize your IT spending, keep more of your internal resources focused on core business activities, and arms you with accurate data about the health and performance of your IT assets.

So consider taking the drama out of your IT life with PCTech’s managed services.

Cost of downtime: The Sky’s the Limit
Reliable IT performance: Priceless

Contact us today for a free consultation to determine your IT needs.